A season-long connection against the pests

Information during the whole season

Let’s be connected with the growers for longer time.

Extend your impact in agriculture

Empower your business to lead the new era of insect monitoring

Evolve R&D

Scalable and affordable informations in real time, where you need it!

A complex offer to be more connected.

Engaged Recurring customers from insights

Termelőiddel közelebbi és szakmaibb kapcsolatot tudsz kiépíteni a teljes szezonban. Folyamatos információ segítségével tudod bővíteni a termékedet.

High added value by Data Driven AgriTech solutions

Modern megoldással tudsz előrukkolni sustainable módon a versenytársaid előtt. Ezzel a piaci market share-odat elő tudod mozdítani.

Deeper insights with customised datasets.

With our data you can életrehívhatod az R&D projektedet, vagy velünk kiegészülve egy összetettebb, magasabb értéket közvetítő csomagot tudsz kívál

CTA section that point to the next phase of the sales process

Our work was recognised

New era has began.
All around the world.

We trusted by this big brands

Familiarity building,
how the ICP looks like

Digital solution on a fair price

short description about this benefit how it work for them

Bigger share of the market

short description about this benefit how it work for them

Lead the new era of insect monitoring

short description about this benefit how it work for them

Outsourced R&D Team

short description about this benefit how it work for them

White-label solution on a fair price

short description about this benefit how it work for them

Sustainable future

short description about this benefit how it work for them

We are with you on a mission to
feed 10bill people. Follow our
tinspiring journey.

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